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Treatment Resistant Depression affects on Athletes

Treatment Resistant Depression Affects on Athletes

Treatment Resistant Depression Affects On Athletes

Depression is a serious illness that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Although there are effective treatments available for depression, some people may not respond to them and suffer from treatment resistant depression. This can be a serious condition that requires lifelong management. Depression is one of the most common mental health conditions in the world, but athletes tend to face unique challenges when dealing with this illness. Athletes have a higher risk than their non-athletic peers for developing depression due to factors like stress or traumatic brain injury (TBI) that occur during sports activities. Because of this higher risk factor, it’s important for athletes who suffer from symptoms associated with treatment resistant depression to seek help immediately — even if they don’t consider themselves “depressed.”

Depression can be a Big Problem among Young Athletes

Depression is a serious mental illness that affects millions of people in the United States. You may not realize now, but it is possible to get better from depression and return to your life—and your sport—as you once knew it. Depression can affect anyone, including young athletes. If you are experiencing some of the symptoms described above, talk with a trusted adult or ask for help from a coach or other athlete who has experienced depression himself or herself.

It’s important to know that there are effective treatments for depression; however, many people struggle with treatment-resistant depression (TRD). That means they have tried at least two medications without significant improvement in their symptoms after an adequate period of time (usually four to eight weeks).

Because of the stigma of mental illness, many athletes do not seek help when they should.

Because of the stigma of mental illness, many athletes do not seek help when they should. Athletes are often reluctant to seek help for mental health issues because they feel that it will impact their performance on the field or court. They may also worry about what others will think: their teammates, coaches and fans.

This reluctance can lead to an athlete suffering in silence until they eventually reach a point where they are no longer able to perform at a high level.

Treatment Resistant Depression is very common among elite athletes and only affects a small portion of the population in general.

Depression is a very common problem among young athletes. It’s estimated that up to 10% of the population in general suffers from depression, but for young athletes it’s closer to 30%. Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) is even more rare, affecting only 1-5% of the population at large.

Treatment Resistant Depression can interfere with a person’s ability to perform basic tasks, much less succeed at an elite athletic level.

While it’s true that the vast majority of people with depression can still function normally, and many even succeed in their everyday lives, treatment-resistant depression (TRD) can interfere with a person’s ability to perform basic tasks, much less succeed at an elite athletic level.

Treatment Resistant Depression is more likely to develop in those who have had mild or moderate depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder or eating disorders.

The signs and symptoms of treatment-resistant depression may include:

  • Depression that lasts for more than two years
  • Difficulty controlling mood swings and temper outbursts during which you might say or do things you later regret. These violent feelings can result in physical injury to yourself or someone else.
  • Thinking about suicide, having suicidal thoughts or a suicide plan, or attempting suicide.

“Successful Treatment of Symptoms that are specific to Depression such as Maltreatment and Isolation will help reduce the likelihood of relapse.”

Treatments that work for many people with depression can also be useful for athletes. These include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type of treatment that helps patients learn to change their thinking patterns and behaviors by identifying negative thought patterns, challenging them and replacing them with more realistic ones. This approach has been successful in treating symptoms such as low self-esteem, social isolation and feelings of hopelessness associated with depression.
  • Antidepressants are medications that help relieve symptoms such as sadness, sleeplessness and loss of appetite. There are two main types recommended for athletes: selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs). While effective at relieving symptoms of moderate to severe depression when taken at the right dose over an extended period of time, they may not be prescribed due to side effects or concerns about potential abuse.
  • Light therapy involves exposing people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder – a form of depression that occurs during the winter months – to bright light every morning at set intervals throughout the day; this helps regulate circadian rhythms which can improve moods by increasing their energy levels throughout the day so they don’t feel like withdrawing from activities like sports altogether just because it might make them feel better overall.”

Treatment Resistant Depression is a serious condition that needs to be taken care of.

Treatment resistant depression is a serious condition that needs to be taken care of. Mental health problems can be treated, but it’s important you talk to your doctor about what options are available for you and how they might help.

If you have treatment resistant depression, this may impact your ability to perform at your best in sport or exercise. You may feel tired all the time, have difficulty concentrating or make poor decisions during training sessions. It’s important that if you think something is wrong with your mental health, then speak up and get help as soon as possible because there are treatments available now which weren’t around before!

Treatment Resistant Depression can cause serious health problems such as heart disease or diabetes; so it’s important that we all take some responsibility for our own wellbeing by looking after ourselves both physically and mentally every day!

If you are dealing with Treatment Resistant Depression, it is important to seek help here at PMC Heal. You might find that your symptoms go away when you look into the right treatment options.


Treatment Resistant Depression (TRD) affects athletes, with estimates of prevalence and burden varying widely in the literature[1]. It is estimated that 6.7% of adults suffer from depression in a 12-month period, with higher rates for young adults and older adults[2]. Regular exercise can reduce stress, improve sleep and ease depression symptoms[3], however when at least two trials with antidepressants from different pharmacologic classes fail to produce a significant clinical response then the depression may be considered resistant to treatment[4].

1. The Prevalence and National Burden of Treatment-Resistant Depression …

Objective: Estimates of prevalence and burden of treatment-resistant depression (TRD) vary widely in the literature. This study evaluated the prevalence and burden of TRD and the share of TRD in the burden of medication-treated major depressive disorder (MDD) using the most commonly accepted definition of TRD and a novel bottom-up approach.

2. Depression in Athletes: Prevalence and Risk Factors – LWW Depression_in_Athletes__Prevalence_and_Risk.17.aspx

Abstract. Depression affects an estimated 6.7% of today’s adult population in a 12-month period. The prevalence rates for certain age groups, such as young adults and older adults, are higher. There are approximately 400,000 National Collegiate Athletic Association student athletes competing each year and 5 to 7 million high school student …

3. Treatment-resistant depression – Mayo Clinic

Get regular exercise. Exercise has a direct effect on mood. Even physical activity such as gardening or walking can reduce stress, improve sleep and ease depression symptoms. Don’t settle for a treatment that’s partially effective at relieving your depression or one that works but causes intolerable side effects.

4. Treatment-resistant depression – PubMed

Abstract. Up to two thirds of patients with major unipolar depression will not respond to the first medication prescribed. Depression may be considered resistant to treatment when at least two trials with antidepressants from different pharmacologic classes (adequate in dose, duration, and compliance) fail to produce a significant clinical …
